Bulletin 6.11.23

An Open and Affirming Church
A Creation Justice Church
June 11, 2023
10:30 a.m.



LIGHTING THE PEACE CANDLE    Colleen Coughenour, liturgist

         The one who angers you conquers you.

Elizabeth Kenny 1880-1952, adapted

PRELUDE    Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing
Webster & Fain/arr. George Shearing


*  HYMNS OF HOPE                  403, 488, 572                     

SCRIPTURE READING           Jeremiah 32:1-15, 42-44
SERMON     History and Hope        Rev. Kim P. Wells

INTERLUDE    Prelude No. 4 in F Major, Op. 103    Fauré

The mission of Lakewood United Church of Christ, as part of the Church Universal is to:
         ●  Celebrate the presence and power of God in our lives & in                              our world.
         ●  Offer the hospitality and inclusive love of Christ to all                                        people.
         ●  Work for God’s peace and justice throughout creation.


Morning offerings may be brought forward and placed in the plates on the altar. If you would like assistance, please turn to someone seated near you.

         Offertory        Ashokan Farewell        Unger                

         Prayer of Dedication         

MORNING PRAYERS – SAVIOR’S PRAYER  [hymnal p. 60, prayer B]
*  HYMN      We Are Often Tossed and Driven        444

*  BENEDICTION               

*CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE  (please form a circle)                                                  Rosemary Crow
Weave, weave, weave us together;
                  Weave us together in unity and love.
         Weave, weave, weave us together,
                           Weave us together, together in love.         

Teje, tejenos juntos, Tejenos juntos en unidad y amor.
         Teje, tejenos juntos, Tejenos juntos, juntos en el amor.                

*  POSTLUDE   It Don’t Mean a Thing if It Ain’t Got that Swing 
Mills & Ellington

Circle of Concern
Kelsey, friend of Barbara Donohue  –  Yvonne Riesen  –  Bob Bell Sherry Santana  –  Tony Rogers  –  Erik Johnson  –  Ann Quinn is under Hospice care  –  Janet Hall  –  James Waterman  –  Caregivers
Schools: Students, families, teachers, and staff
                                                                                                                                                    Lakewood United Church of Christ 2601 54th Ave. S. St. Petersburg, FL 33712
727-867-7961  lakewooducc@gmail.com  lakewooducc.org
On land originally inhabited by the Tocabaga

Bulletin 5.4.23

June 4, 2023
10:30 a.m.

The energy of compassion in you will transform your life and make it more
beautiful. Compassion is always born of understanding and understanding
is the result of looking deeply.

Thich Nhat Hanh 1926-2022

* OPENING READING Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
O God, I praise You for the universe which You have evolved over unending
centuries, vitalizing matter with energy, bringing forth all things as the peak
of Your creating wisdom, working to unify mankind, initiating a process of
spiritualizing humanity. O Creator God, let me be a willing partner in
building the universe of Your will and in divinizing humanity, in unity with
You, permeating Your creation with love and incorporating souls into the
* HYMN Over My Head
Let us prepare ourselves for the word of God as it comes to us in the reading
of Holy Scripture. Our hearts and minds are open.
Psalm 139, page 715
For the word of God in scripture, for the word of God among us, for the word
of God within us, Thanks be to God!
MYSTIC READING — What is Grace? St. John of the Cross 1542-1591,

* HYMN We are Dancing Sarah’s Circle
REFLECTION A Journey Barbara
Richardson, 20th c.
I am a vessel that is broken.
My many pieces lay at Your feet.
And I long for what You’ve intended.
But all I offer is frailty.
That’s what You ask for —
You ask for weakness,
that in my weakness
Your strength can be known.
It’s hard to understand;
Your ways aren’t mine, but
if You want weakness —
take all of me.
The mission of Lakewood United Church of Christ, as part of the Church Universal
is to:
● Celebrate the presence and power of God in our lives & in our world.
● Offer the hospitality and inclusive love of Christ to all people.
● Work for God’s peace and justice throughout creation.

Morning offerings may be brought forward and placed in the plates on the altar.
You are invited to write your prayer requests on the sheets provided in the bulletin
and bring them forward and place them in the basket on the altar. If you would
like assistance, please turn to someone seated near you.
* Time of Dedication
Celtic Blessing
In the world people
get what they pay for.

So the rich,
who have much to spend,
have much to enjoy;
While the poor,
who have little to spend,
have little to enjoy.
In church they should
get what they need.
So the rich,
who at present have much,
should give much and receive little;
While the poor,
who at present have little,
should give little, and receive much.
Let the world flourish
and prosper;
And the church
set right its wrongs.

Communion Prayer – Savior’s Prayer
Our Creator, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kindom come.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the
power, and the glory for ever. Amen.
Blessing the Bread and Cup
Sharing the Meal

Unison Prayer of Thanksgiving — cast off William B.
to compare and contrast no longer the lives
I have not had with this one:
not larger, more noticed
nor quieter, steadier,
not better accompanied
nor less attached,
not gifted more
nor costed less,
just this life
this one life
to take
and eat
and know.
* HYMN Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ
Celtic blessing
A mind has sought you
An eye has seen you
A mouth has named you
A heart has desired you. Amen.
* CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE (please form a circle) Rosemary

Weave, weave, weave us together; Weave, weave, weave us together,
Weave us together in unity and love. Weave us together, together in love.
Teje, tejenos juntos, Teje, tejenos juntos,
Tejenos juntos en unidad y amor. Tejenos juntos, juntos en el amor.

Bulletin 5.28.23

An Open and Affirming Church
A Creation Justice Church
May 28, 2023
10:30 a.m.


GATHERING MUSIC         I Love You          Son Lux
[from the movie, “Everything Everywhere All At Once”]


LIGHTING THE PEACE CANDLE            Barbara Donohue, liturgist
You don’t have to have fought in a war to love peace.
Geraldine Ferraro 1935-2011

PRELUDE                      Chariots of Fire          Vangelis

*  OPENING PRAYER                       Jan Berry b. 1953 

            Exuberant Spirit of God,
            bursting with the brightness of flame
            into the coldness of our lives
            to warm us with a passion for justice and beauty,
            we praise you.

            Exuberant Spirit of God,
            sweeping us out of the dusty corners of our apathy
            to breathe vitality into our struggles for change,
            we praise you.

            Exuberant Spirit of God,
            speaking words that leap over barriers of mistrust
            to convey messages of truth and new understanding,
            we praise you.

            Exuberant Spirit of God
            burn, breathe, speak in us;
            fill your world with justice and with joy. 
*  HYMN          Come, O Spirit, with Your Sound        265
MYSTIC READING              Hildegard of Bingen 1098-1179


Let us prepare ourselves for the word of God as it comes to us in the reading of Holy Scripture.  Our hearts and minds are open.

                        Acts 2:1-21

For the word of God in scripture, for the word of God among us, for the word of God within us,  Thanks be to God!

*  HYMN            On Pentecost They Gathered        272   

SERMON             Powered Up!        Rev. Kim P. Wells

UNISON READING — Blessed are you who bear the light   Jan Richardson b. 1967

            Blessed are you
            who bear the light
            in unbearable times,
            who testify
            to its endurance
            amid the unendurable,
            who bear witness
            to its persistence
            when everything seems
            in shadow
            and grief.
            Blessed are you
            in whom
            the light lives,
            in whom
            the brightness blazes—
            your heart
            a chapel,
            an altar where
            in the deepest night
            can be seen
            the fire that
            shines forth in you
            in unaccountable faith,
            in stubborn hope,
            in love that illumines
            every broken thing
            it finds.

ANTHEM            Fire of Justice, Fire of Love         HKJ

The mission of Lakewood United Church of Christ, as part of the Church Universal is to:
●  Celebrate the presence and power of God in our lives & in our world.
●  Offer the hospitality and inclusive love of Christ to all people.
●  Work for God’s peace and justice throughout creation.

Morning offerings may be brought forward and placed in the plates on the altar. You are invited to write your prayer requests on the sheets provided in the bulletin and bring them forward and place them in the basket on the altar. If you would like assistance, please turn to someone seated near you. 

Offertory            Clair de Lune           Debussy
            [from the movie, “Everything Everywhere All At Once”]

*  Time of Dedication       Christine Valters Paintner, b. 1970, adapted

            Fiery Spirit, Source of all creative power,
            Kindle your Holy Spark within us,
            Breathe into us your Sacred Passion,
            Fill us with your Flame until we have become fire,
            Offering warmth and light to the world.  Amen.      

*  PREPARATION FOR PRAYER        Loose the Spirit        Porter


O Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos, focus your light within us—make it useful. Create your reign of unity now; Your one desire acts with ours, as in all light, so in all forms. Grant what we need each day in bread and insight. Loose the cords of mistakes binding us, as we release the strand we hold of others’ guilt. Don’t let surface things delude us, but free us from what holds us back. From you is born all ruling will, the power and the life to do, the song that beautifies all; from age to age it renews. Amen.
(Peshita Syriac-Aramaic translation)

*  HYMN          Like the Murmur of the Dove’s Wing         270   
*  BENEDICTION                   
Digby Hannah, Australia 

            The wind and flame of Pentecost is surely here
            stirring in our hearts
glowing in the faces of those we love
            in the still, small voice
of compassion for those on the margins
            of passion for justice
many candles and flames quietly and resolutely burning
            in distant places
in our own neighborhood
            within our small community of faith
Who will shout, “look here it is” or “there it is”?
            There is no need
            because Pentecost is within us.

*  CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE  (please form a circle)     Rosemary Crow

            Weave, weave, weave us together;             Weave, weave, weave us together,
            Weave us together in unity and love.          Weave us together, together in love.

Teje, tejenos juntos,                          Teje, tejenos juntos,
Tejenos juntos en unidad y amor.    Tejenos juntos, juntos en el amor.

*  POSTLUDE            Ring of Fire            Cash


Pilgrim, Trinity, Lakewood Cooperative Ministry
Pilgrim, Trinity, and Lakewood UCC churches in St. Petersburg have begun having discussions about how we can cooperate and support each othersministries.  At the first meeting, a list was generated of things that we might work on together.  At the next meeting, the group will pick several things to focus on. 

In preparation for that meeting, LUCC leaders would like input from the LUCC congregation about what projects and initiatives are of most interest to our congregation.  There are three opportunities for you to be involved in this conversation. 

There will be an in person conversation about prioritizing the list of potential projects after worship TODAY in the church sanctuary.

There will be a Zoom conversation about the list of possible projects on Tuesday June 6 at 6:30 p.m.  Here is the Zoom link: 

And there will be another in person conversation about the ministry possibilities at the next Advisors meeting, Sunday June 11 following worship in the Fellowship Hall. 

Please know that your input is needed as we explore working with our neighboring UCC churches. 

Operation Attack Update 
Operation Attack is an ecumenical food pantry located at Lakeview Presbyterian Church.  LUCC was a founding partner in this ministry in the 1960’s.  Volunteers are needed to serve on Thursdays.  Help is needed putting food away, serving clients, and doing clean up and re-stocking.  Pick a time that suits you:  9:30-12:30, 1-4, 4:30-6:30.  Help is needed during each of those time segments. 

Please consider volunteering for this important ministry serving those most in need in our community.

Donations of non perishable food is always welcome. 

Summer Sundays Ahead
For the Sunday services this summer, Rev. Wells would like to hear from you! 
What would you like to hear a sermon about?  Is there a theme or a topic or a scripture lesson or an issue or a story that is of interest to you?  Kim would love to hear from you and she will plan the summer services around your requests. 

Congregational Meeting Ahead
There will be a congregational meeting following morning worship on Sunday June 25.  This is a special called meeting to discuss a financial plan for the church for the second half of 2023.

Guided Labyrinth Walks
The weekly guided labyrinth walk is now scheduled for Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.  There are several factors that have led to this change including the construction on the property next to the church.  All are welcome!

Climate Card Initiative Ahead
LUCC will be participating in the UCC Climate Card initiative letting legislators know that we support efforts to eliminate global warming.  Look for more information soon!

Choir Ministry Concludes
This is the last Sunday that the choir will sing for this season.  The choir has brought much meaning and beauty to the worship services this year.  MANY THANKS to the choir members and especially to Music Director Hilton Jones! 

Exhibition Closing June 8
The exhibit “Civil Rights in the Sunshine State” at the St. Petersburg Museum of History will be closing June 8.  You are encouraged to see this important, extensive exhibit about the Civil Rights movement in Florida.  We all know the image of the marchers crossing the Pettus Bridge in Selma, AL but there were many significant Civil Rights demonstrations and actions in Florida.  This important exhibit at the Museum of History shares those stories, which, sadly, may no longer be taught in schools.  The exhibit will be on display through June 8. 
Circle of Concern

Yvonne Riesen recovering from a fall
Barbara Donohue’s friend, Kelsey
Lucille Ruga
Sherry Santana
Tony Rogers, church custodian
Erik Johnson 
Ann Quinn is under Hospice care 
Janet Hall
Schools: Students, families, teachers, and staff. 

Church Staff
Rev. Kim P. Wells  Pastor
    Hilton K. Jones    Music Director
  Claudia Rodriguez  Childcare

Lakewood United Church of Christ 2601 54th Ave. S. St. Petersburg, FL 33712
lakewooducc@gmail.com  lakewooducc.org
On land originally inhabited by the Tocabaga
A Just Peace Church

Bulletin 5.21.23

Bulletin 5.21.23


LIGHTING THE PEACE CANDLE  Colleen Coughenour, liturgist

         I will not be involved with the dreams of angry men.

Hmong Villager, Laos

PRELUDE      As Time Goes By  Hupfeld

* OPENING READING — Lady in Waiting   Hebe Welbourne 

Waiting — for what?
         For your child to wake,
         To need you, to leave you?
         For the coming of Christ?
         For social security, justice, aid?
         For a lucky chance?
         For the passage of time?
         Enduring the pain
         Which can only be borne
         Enfolded in the space
         Between times.
         Lady, let me join you
         In the space between,
         Where all joys and sorrows are
*  HYMN 
    What a Covenant       471

SCRIPTURE LESSON – 1 Peter 4:12-16, 5:6-11

Don’t be surprised, my dear friends, that a trial by fire is occurring in your midst.  It is a test for you, but it shouldn’t catch you off guard.  Rejoice, instead, insofar as you share the Savior’s sufferings, so that when the glory of Christ is revealed, you will rejoice exceedingly.  Happy are you when you are insulted for the sake of Christ, for then God’s Spirit in her glory has come to rest on you.

See to it, however, that none of you suffers for being a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or a destroyer of another’s rights.  If anyone suffers for being a follower of Christ, however, that one ought not be ashamed, but rather should glorify God in virtue of that Name. 

Therefore, humble yourselves before God’s mighty power, that you may be exalted by God on the appointed day.

Cast all your cares on God, who cares for you.  Be sober.  Be watchful.  For your adversary the Devil roams about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.  Stand up to the devil as one strong in faith, fortified with the knowledge that your sisters and brothers throughout the world share the same afflictions. 

But the God of all grace, who called you to eternal glory through Jesus Christ, will fulfill, restore, strengthen and establish you after you have suffered a little while.  To God be glory and dominion forever and ever!  Amen.

* HYMN       Be Not Dismayed      460
SERMON        Rev. Kim P. Wells
READING — Give Me Someone   
Author once known, Japan, adapted

         When I am famished,
                  Give me someone who needs food;
         When I am thirsty,
                  Send me someone who needs water;
         When I am cold,
                  Send me someone to warm; 
When I am hurting,
                  Send me someone to console; . . . .
         When I am poor,
                  Lead someone needy to me;
         When I have no time,
                  Give me someone to help for a moment;
         When I am criticized,
                  Give me someone to praise;
         When I am discouraged,
                  Send me someone to encourage;
         When I need another’s understanding,
                  Give me someone who needs mine;
         When I need somebody to take care of me,
                  Send me someone to care for;
         When I think too much of myself,
                  Turn my thoughts toward someone else.        

ANTHEM      Come by the Hills    Irish, trad.


         The mission of Lakewood United Church of Christ, as part of the Church Universal is to:
●  Celebrate the presence and power of God in our lives & in our world.
●  Offer the hospitality and inclusive love of Christ to all people.
●  Work for God’s peace and justice throughout creation.


         Bring forward. . .If you would like assistance, please turn to                      someone seated near you. 

         Offertory     Syncopated Clock   Anderson

         *  Time of Dedication        Celtic Blessing

         When Jesus came to earth as a baby,
         He depended entirely on human love —
         That of Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds.
         When Jesus preached and healed,
         He depended entirely on human love —
         The alms given by those who heard him.
         I too depend on human love.
         The kindness of others sustains my soul.
         The gifts of others sustain my body.
         Every person depends on others’ love.
         Let no one be ashamed of their needs.
         To depend on others is to imitate Christ.    
Won’t You Let Me Be Your Servant  539

Fathering and Mothering God, lover of us all, most holy one.
Help us to respond to you
To create what you want for us here on earth.
Give us today enough for our needs.
Forgive our weak and deliberate offenses,
Just as we must forgive others when they hurt us.
Help us to resist evil and to do what is good.
For we are yours, endowed with your power to make the world whole. Amen.

*  HYMN       Send Me, Lord      360
*  BENEDICTION      Catholic Bishops of Appalachia

         They sing of a life
         free and simple,
         with time for one another,
         and for people’s needs,
         based on the dignity of the human person,
         at one with nature’s beauty. . .
*  CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE  (please form a circle)

Teje, tejenos juntos,                                    Teje, tejenos juntos,
Tejenos juntos en unidad y amor.             Tejenos juntos, juntos en el amor.                                                   
*  POSTLUDE     I’m Bidin’ My Time    Gershwin



LUCC will be participating in the UCC Climate Card initiative letting legislators know that we support efforts to eliminate global warming.  Look for more information soon!

For Pentecost, please plan on bringing a candle to church to be used in worship.

Circle of Concern

Jeff Wells and family over the death of his brother, Frank Wells
Erik Johnson
Ann Quinn is under Hospice care
Ron Spivack
Janet Hall
Family and Loved Ones of Dave Radens, husband of Marg Radens
Schools: Students, families, teachers, and staff

Congregational Meeting